Snakes and Ladders
Snakes and Ladders
Snakes and Ladders is a casual board game for 2 players that was first published in 1905. The object of the game is to be the first player to make it all the way down the snake ladder, and claim your victory by winning the highest score. But what if you could play it like a snakes and ladders board game? That sounds so much more fun!
Snakes and ladders is a classic game that everyone loves to play. If you’ve never played it before, this game might just be for you. It’s easy to learn, fun to play and great for team work. But have you ever wondered what it’s like to play the real thing?
A snake is on the Ladders and you need to get it off the Ladder. Help the snake by stepping on its tail, and it will go up one rung of the Ladder. But if you step on its head, it will go down one rung. Good luck! Use direction keys to move your character.
How to play Snakes and Ladders
Using Mouse