It's time to experience Hexanaut.io, a fantastic multiplayer game in which you must move about the hexagonal cells that make up the floor with the aid of your tail in order to increase your territory and level.
It's crucial that you move carefully and avoid going over your tail at all costs because otherwise you'll obliterate yourself! Additionally, you will need to move very quickly because if one of your foes catches you in the middle of one of your sprints out of your territories, you will perish in an instant. Hold your area long enough to win, then become the king and enjoy yourself.
By surrounding them with the trail you leave behind as you walk about the grid, you want to conquer as many hexagons as you can. When leaving your conquered area, exercise caution because if another player steps on your trail, you lose. Naturally, you will also be able to track down and kill other players who have left their zones.
How to play Hexanaut.io
Using Mouse